lördag 31 maj 2008

Sparks Quiz – Complete the following statement:

Hittade den här intressanta texten från april 2006. Tycker den tydligt illustrerar hur Sparks hunnit med så mycket och står för så många olika saker för olika människor. När jag pratar om dem hemma i Sverige så vet folk i min ålder inte vilka de är, medan 40–50 åringar säger: Håller de på än!? Och minns dem som bandet som släppte Kimono My House, Propaganda och Indiscreet.

Sparks’ heyday was/is –

A. In the mid-70s when, as part of the glam movement that included Bowie and T. Rex, they scored several Top 20 hits

B. In the early 80s, when they broke thru into the American market with massive MTV airplay for Cool Places, their duet with The Go-Go’s Jane Weidlin,

C. In the mid-90s, when they had dance club hits with When Do I Get to Sing ‘My Way’, When I Kiss You (I Hear Charlie Parker Playing) and The Number One Song in Heaven (feat Jimmy Sommerville) or,

D. Currently happening with the release of their critically acclaimed Lil’ Beethoven in 2002 and Hello Young Lovers just last month.

If you’re from the UK, you probably answered (A). If you’re from the U.S., you probably answered (B). If you’re a fading club kid, you may have answered (C), and if you’re a twenty-something hipster and part-time Pitchfork writer, you surely answered (D). After 35 years and 20 albums touching upon just about every era and sub-genre of pop music, any answer is really acceptable.

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